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Moderate Solution

Pass Stricter Abortion Legislation

New Jersey's abortion laws are much more liberal than other states. While 42 states prohibit abortions at some point in the term, 26 states require some kind of waiting period, and 38 states require some kind of parental involvement, New Jersey does not have any of these laws. This solution would propose a bill encouraging the ban of partial births, inclusion of parental involvement and ultrasound laws, and make adoption a more viable option than abortion. 


What This Solution Would Do

  • Decrease the amount of abortions after the first term with a partial birth ban 

  • Require the permission of at least one parent for minors considering abortion  

  • Require women to view the ultrasound images of their unborn child before making a decision

  • Require waiting periods of at least 24 hours and either in-person or on the phone counseling for women before making their decision.

  • Create easier access to adoption facilities so women feel like abortion isn't their only option.

  • Encourage adoption facilities to make it known that there are families willing to care for all types of babies, even those with genetic disorders such as Down Syndrome. 

























How This Solution Would Solve The Problem

By passing stricter abortion laws in New Jersey, the state would overall decrease the number of abortions performed in the state. Placing more regulations on how and when women can recieve an abortion enables these women to become more educated on the abortion process and make a better informed decision after considering all the consquences and benefits of getting an abortion. 





  • Passing stricter legislation would make it harder to get an abortion and would consequently decrease the abortion rates.

  • Parental involvement laws would significantly decrease minor abortion rates. Studies have also illustrated that these laws decrease the prevalence of STDs and suicide in minors (Grossu 1).

  • Counseling could help women make more educated decisions. Women who are fully informed about the procedure and its lasting effects may likely change their minds.

  • An earlier time frame would cost less for women: an abortion at 10 weeks costs $400-550 while an abortion at 20-21 weeks costs between $1100-1650 (Monahan 1). 

  • Many New Jersey politicians would support this proposed solution, including Governor Chris Christie and Representatives Frank LoBiondo, Chris Smith, and Scott Garrett.



  • There's such a small likelihood that a bill with all of these proposed restrictions would pass through the New Jersey state legislature, although NJ Congress can choose to amend and omit or pass specific sections of the bill.

  • As a more liberal state with both sections of Congress holding a democratic majority, New Jersey will likely show resistance toward such a bill. 

  • When proposing a bill, there are many opportunities for it to die, thus decreasing the likelihood that such a bill would pass through Congress. 

  • Groups like Planned Parenthood and Democratic politicans, such as Senators Cory Booker and Robert Menendez, might oppose the bill.

Grossu, Arina O. "Peer-reviewed Studies." Washington Examiner. Washington Examiner, 14 Aug. 2014. Web. 10 Jan.           2015

Monahan, Jeanne. "Family Research Council." UltraSound Policy. Family Research Council, n.d. Web. 26 Dec. 2014

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