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  • Encouraging abstinence but teaching about contraception can help to reduce the amount of teenage pregnancies in New Jersey which will also reduce the amount of abortions

  • Teaching teenagers about abortion laws and their options other than abortion could lead them to choosing other options in case they do get pregnant


  • There is a possibility of a lack or parental support because of the common fear of the discussion of sexual activity between teen and parent

  • Many topics- such as birth control- are difficult to apply to co-ed classes 

How this Solution Would Solve the Problem

By demystifying the extremely confusing and stressful topic of sexual intercourse, adolescents can make better and more mature decisions regarding such actions. By mandating that schools teach comprehensive sexual education, it ensures that each student is getting insightful, up-to-date, and scientifically sound information. Parents can be unreliable and let personal or religious beliefs cloud their children's ability to learn about such an important topic. Teens will learn how to better protect themselves and their partners and understand how great of a responsibility a relationship and pregnancy is. Hopefully, it will allow students to make more informed decisions regarding their sexual activity, so as to decrease abortions by reducing unwanted pregnancies to begin with. Educated people get ahead, and sexual education is no exception. Making sex taboo is counterproductive and it should be demystified and well-taught so as to ensure that teens can make the proper decisions regarding their bodies. 



"State Policies in Brief." Guttmacher Institute (2015): 1-3. Guttmacher Institute. Guttmacher Institute, 1 Jan. 2015. Web. 11 Jan. 2015.


Grossu, Arina O. "Peer-reviewed Studies." Washington Examiner. Washington Examiner, 14 Aug. 2014. Web. 10 Jan. 2015.


Monahan, Jeanne. "Family Research Council." UltraSound Policy. Family Research Council, n.d. Web. 26 Dec. 2014

Conventional Solution

Reform Sexual Education Laws

In New Jersey there is a huge discrepancy between the amount of pregnancies and the amount of births amongst teenagers. This shows that abortion is being heavily relied on with teenagers. By reducing the amount of teen pregnancies we could also reduce the amount of abortions among teenagers in New Jersey. In order to do this, we must improve the sexual education which teenagers recieve in high school.


What this solution would do

  • Teach about the actual responsibility of being a teen parent using videos and/ or witnesses 

  • Places more emphasis on the use of prophylactics and condoms, and less emphasis on abstinence-only birth control, because that ignores the problem and makes natural adolescent sexual urges seem taboo when they should be understood and taught how to be properly handled

  • Explain methods of birth control, how to obtain them, the costs of each type, and the effects that they can have on the individuals

  • Explain abortions thoroughly including the NJ Laws related to abortion and the psychological and physical effects that they have on those who decide to have them

  • Provide options besides abortions and thorougly explain the pros and cons of each














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